Diabetes Update III

On Thursday, August 26, 2021 I called the ambulatory pharmacist about whether I needed to order more of the bedtime insulin. I had enough for two doses of 12 units. She had me change it to 8 units and said I did not need to place an order for more since I was headed in the right direction to get off that med, as planned. I then had enough for 3 more days and took my last dose of bedtime insulin on Saturday, August 28.

On Thursday, September 2, 2021 I had a scheduled phone call with the ambulatory pharmacist and since my morning fasting glucose was between the benchmarks for high and low, she said that I could change to only testing my glucose in the mornings. Going from 3 finger sticks a day to 1 is awesome! She also said that I only needed to test it if I felt off, to see if it was high or low. I don’t have another appointment with her, and won’t need to talk to her unless I’m having issues.

Now I have the once a week shot of the diabetic medication that has the side effect of weight loss. I only test my blood glucose once per day.

My daughter-in-law is impressed by the rapid turnaround in my condition. I once again reminded her I didn’t want to be my Dad. He would eat a big bowl of ice cream every night, then complain about how bad he felt.

In that past two weeks, I put some honey on toast and had pancakes with syrup. Not in the same day, and it didn’t make my blood glucose go crazy.

With a change to my diet to exclude junk and avoid the foods with the most starch: potatoes, corn, and peas, I have made this happen.

My level of exercise is the same. I’m sure things would be even better if I was more consistent with exercise.

Now that things are under control, I can try different foods and learn which ones mess up my blood glucose levels.

Basically, I can eat anything I want, but in moderation. While I could probably eat a big candy bar or big bowl of ice cream or a bunch of cookies, I’m not going to do that. I like feeling good, and don’t want that gross lack of energy feeling I had prior to diagnosis.

Next week, I get the blood draw for my fourth quarterly PSA test after my prostatectomy. I am expecting it to again be undetectable. I go in for my quarterly visit with the urologist. I am expecting good news. I should then go to two six month PSA tests, then go to annually.

Answers to Low Energy  – Diabetes Update IDiabetes Update IIDiabetes Update IV

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